WIA spins its way to irrelevance over 2 x 1 callsigns

Over the past week, we have seen a bizarre series of announcements, misinformation and spin from the WIA over 2 x 1 contest callsigns.

Firstly, they devised their own complex system for allocation of callsigns and encouraged people to apply to AMC – without any consultation.. 

They are now rapidly backpedalling…noting on their website that, quote:

Whilst the WIA has not been privy to the specific AMC implementation details, it is believed they differ materially from the approach that has been originally proposed.


This appears to be as a direct result of the WIA offering to help with the implementation after lengthy delays.


The facts are that the WIA has no role in 2 x 1 callsigns, nor any impact on the process.  At all.

The WIA’s claim that their offer to “help” has somehow encouraged AMC to implement 2 x 1 callsigns is ludicrous. 

The WIA’s interference in the 2 x 1 process has served only to make them look silly, sow confusion amongst amateurs and inconvenience AMC staff. 

RASA commenced work on 2 x 1 callsigns in December 2018. Since then, we have had no cooperation from the WIA on this issue, even though our cross-sector 2 x 1 committee included high profile and active WIA contesters.

We understand that a number of amateurs have made complaints to AMC and ACMA as a result of the WIA’s opportunistic grab for attention over an issue in which they have no involvement.

The AMC have made it plain on their payment page that they are not accepting applications for 2 x 1 callsigns, quote:

Please DO NOT make payment for a 2×1 Callsign, these callsigns are not available.


……and yet, the WIA took it upon themselves to create their own fictitious application arrangements for 2 x 1 callsigns, which included an unauthorised alteration of an official AMC form and fanciful application criteria….criteria that was never agreed to by the original 2 x 1 committee…let alone AMC/ACMA…. 

The WIA page in question now displays the following note at the bottom:

AMC are not yet accepting applications – this form is a sample only..

We assume that the WIA has been told to cease and desist….and rightly so.

What a farce….and extremely poor behaviour for a sector organisation.  This would never happen in the commercial world.  No wonder amateur radio has such a poor reputation with our commercial counterparts.

A recent nationwide survey commissioned by the ABC revealed that Australians are sick and tired of politicians spinning the facts to suit their own agenda.  It really is a shame that such tactics are now being used in amateur radio…

RASA and individual amateurs have been lobbying AMC and ACMA behind the scenes on 2 x 1 callsigns for many months now.  We look forward to these callsigns being available to a wide range of users.

We expect more news from ACMA shortly.

Update 28 June – the AMC has posted the following on their web page:

Current News

24 June 2021

2×1 Competition Callsigns

AMC Amateur Radio is in the process of finalising an online callsign application system and the hobby will be updated when this comes available.
In the meantime, we would ask that people do not make any applications for these call signs because:

  1. The incorrect form is being used
  2. The fee has not been set
  3. Call signs cannot be reserved
  4. The monies will be refunded to you

For background and the facts, you can visit these links: