The ACMA have today emailed both the WIA and RASA Presidents indicating that they have decided to remove the connection between callsign suffix and licence class for all three letter callsigns. That is, any three letter callsign suffix will be available to any licence class.
This information was not embargoed.
ACMA were concerned that FLs were unable to use the AX prefix under the “new prefix” (VJ) option, and they also wished to break the deadlock between conflicting survey results.
RASA will abide by the ACMA decision: the issue needed to be resolved.
ACMA also strongly made the point that conflicting representations by the WIA and RASA are not an effective way for representatives of the amateur community to engage with the ACMA.
RASA supports this view. Separate submissions by RASA and the WIA are wasteful of resources and increase ACMA’s workload unnecessarily. When all is said and done, the current situation serves only to disadvantage the end user…Australian amateurs.
The inability of the sector bodies to cooperate has effectively wasted five months. Five months in which FLs could have fully utilised their new privileges.
RASA has proposed the formation of a cross sector committee with the WIA to provide a coordinated input to the ACMA.
It is expected that the new callsign suffix arrangements will be implemented by AMC in the next few weeks after discussions with ACMA: although this could be delayed by current events.
AMC/ACMA will advise when the new arrangements are ready.