I’ve had an interest in radio for some time, and was a regular operator on 27MHz CB, being a member of a couple of clubs that conducted daily skeds.
I had my first experience of Amateur Radio while conducting JOTA weekends for Scouts in the 1980s.
I began my Amateur Radio life by attending a Foundation course in Perth in late 2005, and proceeded immediately to work on obtaining the next license level.
In 2007 I was appointed to a role with Scouts WA to oversee the programmes involving technology, these mostly being Amateur Radio and online communications such as are used in Jamboree On The Internet. This role also included electronics activities.
Not long after that, I was invited to fill a casual vacancy as a director on the board of the Wireless Institute of Australia, and I remained in that position until 2013.
I also served two three year terms as the national JOTA-JOTI coordinator for Scouts Australia.
Outside of Amateur Radio, I served for about 8 years on the Australian Council for the Mission to Seafarers.
I began my working life as an apprentice fitter at the Railways in WA, moved on to residential care for youth, then community-based programmes for offending youth, and from the late nineties I worked in public sector administration roles, both in metropolitan Perth, and the Pilbara.
My vision for Amateur Radio is that it will grow by adapting and evolving. In accepting that Amateur Radio is a hobby that attracts troglodytes, I put a lot of store in the value of Amateur Radio clubs as places of social and technological nurture for emerging Hams.