QTC June 2024 Out Now

The June edition of RASA’s QTC  magazine is ready for viewing or PDF download 

The big news for this month of course was the launch of RASA’s Foundation Level Study Guide, which is available free to everyone.  The PDF version has been downloaded more than 400 times.

This edition clarifies the impact of the class licencing for Amateur Radio in Australia, and we delve into the concerns raised by the rearrangement of callsign prefixes for those places that formerly held VK9 and VK0 prefixes, and clarification of the regulations concerning international Amateur Radio visitors to Australia.

There’s a review and comments on the ACMA’s new website and portal for Amateurs.

There’s an interesting analysis of who is what in Amateur Radio – numbers trends for the three licence levels.  You may be surprised.

There’s an article based on Hugo Gernsback’s writings about the worlds’ first Amateur Radio Societies. Again, you will find the conclusions interesting.

These and a whole lot more, including the regular columns from the Editor, the RASA President, Paul VK2APA, News from around the world and Australia, Dits n Dahs, VKFF, and more, including yet another story about bullying in our hobby, here in Australia.

QTC Magazine can be downloaded or viewed from our website, https://vkradioamateurs.org  

And finally, we’re recruiting.  We need to add some more skills to our small team.  If you like what you see in RASA – if you like the things that we do, and what we’re offering the Amateur Radio community, you may well have something to offer. 

To quote the BORG, “Your uniqueness will be added to our collective”.  But will your resistance be futile?  That’s up to you.   If you’d like to join the team, or want to know more about how you can contribute, contact the committee at our email address, info@vkradioamateurs.org and let’s talk. 

Paul Anslow

RASA President