ACMA AR update march 2022

Update: review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements

Following release of the Response to submissions: Review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements in November 2021, we have been progressing proposals responding to a range of constructive suggestions from submitters raised during consultation. This includes international recognition of Australian amateur licensing arrangements and call sign management under a class licence.

In late Q2 2022, we intend to consult on an updated draft amateur class licence, incorporating feedback and practical suggestions from submitters that will enhance the use of the licence. As part of this consultation, we will update the amateur community on our consideration of the outstanding matters that will support the transition to class licensing arrangements.

Update: survey results

In the October 2021 Amateur radio update, we included a survey that posed 2 questions:
• Should the ACMA restrict access to suffixes SOS and PAN?
• Out of 245 respondents, 97.55% answered Yes and 2.45% answered No. 
• Do you agree with the ACMA’s proposal to update the Advanced syllabus by adopting the syllabus contained in HAREC?
• Out of 243 respondents, 95.88% answered Yes and 4.12% answered No.

Given the strong support for these proposals, we will implement these plans in line with our work program and will advise the amateur community once the relevant changes to administrative arrangements have been made.

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