Class Licence and Proof of Authority

Class Licence and Proof of Authority

Since the introduction in Australia of the Amateur Radio Class Licence in February this year,  RASA has been monitoring comments and feedback across the Sector.

Many are concerned that the “ACMA letter of confirmation” issued by the ACMA is inadequate; both for domestic recognition purposes as well as for seeking reciprocal rights when traveling overseas.

We are aware of at least one Amateur who has been waiting for several weeks for recognition by China of his Australian qualification and recognition.  He has travelled to China previously with no problems obtaining visitor rights.

There is concern in the Amateur community regarding the absence of a formal certificate of licence/callsign, required for international recognition through to formal acknowledgement of authority to operate under the new Class Licence.  

RASA has written to the ACMA, outlining the concerns, and suggesting that a certificate of licence be made available to Amateurs on request, possibly via the ACMA Assist client portal.  Such a certificate should  contain the usual CEPT and HAREC compliance notices. In fact, it is our view a simple redesign of the Apparatus Licence document would make an ideal format and satisfy all stakeholders.

RASA will continue to monitor the impact of the class licence and work with the Sector and the ACMA to achieve an outcome satisfactory to all parties.

31st May 2024