New Beacon on 2200m
The Caboolture Radio Club is proud to announce the commencement of operation of a new Beacon Station on the 2200m band.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority has granted permission for continuous operation of a Beacon on 137.444 kHz
Here are the details
Callsign VK4RBC
Location Caboolture, Queensland, Australia
Maidenhead QG62lw
Frequency 137.444 kHz
Mode WSPR2 (6H00F1D) plus CW Ident
Power 1 Watt EIRP
Antenna 500m Long Wire, 40m high
TX % 50 %
Status On Air
In the gaps between transmission, the station will report all WSPR decodes to
Roger Crofts, VK4YB
President Caboolture Radio Club Inc.