ACMA clarify 3 letter callsign procedures

The ACMA have issued a clarification to the callsign arrangements for Foundation Licencees wishing to upgrade their qualifications to Standard or Advanced.

To quote from the ACMA Changes to Callsign Policy document:

Changes to call signs

We are making changes that will facilitate access to a wider range of digital modes for foundation licensees, and provide a ‘call sign for life’ for all licensees by:  

  •  allowing all amateurs to obtain a 3 letter call sign
  • removing the association between call sign suffixes and qualifications. 

If you have a foundation, standard or advanced licence, you can apply to the AMC for any available 3 letter call sign. 

If you have already upgraded your 4 letter Foundation callsign to a 3 letter callsign, you can keep it if you are upgrading your qualification to Standard or Advanced. However, if you have a Foundation 4 letter call sign (Fxxx) you will be required to change your call sign if you upgrade to Standard or Advanced.

Two-letter call signs remain available to advanced licensees only. 

The document may be found here: