CLASS LICENCING – Starts 19 February 2024 – FAQ.
Your Licence and Callsign – The Transition to Class Licence
On 19th February 2024, all Amateur Radio Licences will transition to a Class Licence. You can read the detail from the ACMA here:
Amateur radio – transition to class licence and supporting arrangements | ACMA
Q: What happens on 19th February?
A: Class Licencing comes into effect. You will now be operating under a Class Licence with your existing callsign. You don’t need to do anything. All your privileges and responsibilities remain unchanged.
You’ve recently paid your licence fee and want a refund.
Q: I recently paid my licence fee.
A: You may be eligible for a partial refund. If your expiry date is 9 December 2024 or later you may be eligible. Contact the ACMA for details.
Club Stations
Q: What happens with our club callsign?
A: For day-to-day operation nothing changes. Use of your club’s callsign must be compliant with the operator’s privileges, or those of the supervising operator. We understand Club Stations will still need to retain a log-book of all operations, including the name and callsign of the operator/supervisor in attendance.
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Q: I’ve heard that EMC obligations are changing.
A: Nothing changes. You can read more here:
Electromagnetic radiation –
Q: I’ve heard ACMA won’t protect our bands any longer under the Class Licence.
A: Nothing changes in relation to interference, be it interference you suffer or interference your station causes. The ACMA’s responsibilities remain unchanged.
Obtaining an Amateur Radio Licence
Q: I’ve heard it will be easier for anyone to get on the amateur bands.
A: In effect nothing changes. People will still be required to sit and pass an examination. Once a qualification is obtained, the individual can apply for a callsign under the Class Licence conditions.
If you have any other questions about the Class Licence send us an email.