Class Licence and Proof of Authority Since the introduction in Australia of the Amateur Radio Class Licence in February this…
RASA News Bulletin May 20 2024 VK Regulations for DXpeditions for International Visitors The introduction of the Australian Amateur Radio…
CLASS LICENCING – Starts 19 February 2024 – FAQ. Your Licence and Callsign – The Transition to Class Licence…
Rasa’s submission to the ACMA in response to the consultation on class licencing and ACMA’s taking back Amateur Radio callsign…
25th September 2023 In the August 2023 edition of QTC Magazine, RASA published a detailed collection of comments and views…
This is the article in the August 2023 QTC Magazine. It outlines the main points of the ACMA’s announcements in…
Insurance for Amateur Radio Cluba An investigative article by WA Amateur Radio News August 2023 The topic of insurance for…
We note the recent DXpedition to Ducie Island was active on 60 metres. Kosovo gains access to 60 metres “This…
Some interesting news from the UK and OfCom – their version of the ACMA. From section 5.4 For the…
On the 21st June 2023, the ACMA held an online Microsoft Teams briefing session for AMC Assessors. The following key…